Shadowing Exercise 1:
Listen to each statement from an American English speaker. Then try to repeat each phrase to practice talking like a native English speaker.
Shadowing Exercise Transcript:
- Because I come from an Individualistic culture, I expect to run into some differences working at a business in a Collectivist culture.
- My leadership style is more egalitarian, so I prefer to get input from my team before making big decisions.
- Many people prefer the order that comes with a hierarchical business that makes decisions “from the top down”.
- It’s usually good to have a balance of task-oriented and people-oriented people on your team.
Shadowing Exercise 2:
Listen to each statement from an American English speaker. Then try to repeat each phrase to practice talking like a native English speaker.
Shadowing Exercise Transcript:
- He is a very diplomatic communicator and never offends anyone.
- He doesn’t appreciate indirect communication. He’s a straight-shooter.
- Sometimes she gets defensive when you speak too directly.
- Our team members need to trust each other or the team will never reach its full potential.
- I was a bit caught off guard by your last comment.
Shadowing Exercise 3:
Listen to each statement from an American English speaker. Then try to repeat each phrase to practice talking like a native English speaker.
Shadowing Exercise Transcript:
- His leadership style doesn’t invite a discussion.
- It’s usually a good idea to make time-bound goals so everyone is clear on when it should be done.
- This email is time-sensitive so please read and respond quickly.
- It’s no use dodging the issue because the problem will just end up getting worse.
- It seems like we may have different ideas about timeliness.
- I’ve received reports recently about some folks in your department not reporting all their income.
Shadowing Exercise 4:
Listen to each statement from an American English speaker. Then try to repeat each phrase to practice talking like a native English speaker.
Shadowing Exercise Transcript:
- Her passive communication style drives her co-workers crazy.
- His aggressive communication style scares a lot of his co-workers.
- She seems great on the surface, but she has been known to have some passive-aggressive tendencies under the surface.
- We value assertive communication in this office.
Speaking Exercise 1:
Pretend you are interviewing for a new position at a company and the interviewer asks you to describe your ideal company culture. Record a voice message (at least 30+ seconds, send to me in Whatsapp) explaining the key characteristics of your ideal company culture. Use at least 4 phrases from the lesson target vocabulary.
Press the button to start recording (Please state your name and phone)
Speaking Exercise 2:
Pretend you are training a co-worker or your staff in communication styles and conflict resolution. Record a voice message (at least +30 seconds, send to me in Whatsapp) explaining what communication styles are important at your company and what should be avoided. Use at least 4 phrases from the lesson target vocabulary.
Press the button to start recording (Please state your name and phone)