Welcome to your “Hold” Phrasal Verbs Lesson

1) He held ________ (= robbed) a bank in Sydney.

2) Hold ________! = Wait!

3) You might want to hold ________ buying a house. = You might want to wait before buying a house.

4) She was holding ________ a miracle. = She was hoping a miracle would happen.

5) He couldn't hold ________ his feelings any longer.

6) My brother has never been able to hold ________ a job (= to keep a job) for longer than six months.

7) The government troops tried to capture the city, but the rebels held them ________. (= prevented them from doing this)

8) He succesfully held ________ his anger long enough to make it back to the car before he exploded.

9) The flight was held ________ (= delayed) due to bad weather.

10) Don’t hold it ___________ him. He didn’t know what he was doing.